Home Energy Health Check - NPA

Safety Reminders

  • Be aware of hazards. Confirm you have safe access to enter the premises.
  • During your visit, if the customer mentions they have or someone in the house has received a shock or tingle or have damaged switches or power points, let them know to call 13 16 70.

Conduct the Home Energy Health Check

REMINDER: Capture any questions from the customer throughout the visit.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Date *
Consent and privacy
Introduce yourself, remind the customer why you’re here today. Confirm the person you are talking with is over 18 and is happy for you to attend and do the Home Energy Health Check.
Provide the following Privacy information
Customer details
Please enter your best day time contact number as 10 digits with no spaces, eg 0738516000 or 0430000000
Identify all appliances and devices in the home that use electricity

Using the Home Energy Health Check form below, make your way, room to room listing all appliances that use electricity.

  • Remember to look for the size/wattage/kW for each appliance.
  • List the number of hours per day each appliance is used.
  • Take note of anything that if replaced or used differently, could be more energy efficient.

REMINDER: Calculating the cost of the appliances can be done with the customer after your walk through.

Room * Appliance * Rating Hours/day * SizeSize/Watts/KW Appliance running cost
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Remember if the size/watts aren’t visible on the appliances, use the costs of a similar appliance.

Download the Appliance Running Costs - (PDF 329.6 kb)

Conduct the Home Energy Health Check
Solar PV panels are installed
Energy saving hints and tips

Take the time to talk through anything you identified that could help the customer reduce their energy usage.

Remember to use the PowerSavvy booklet.

Walkthrough how energy use can be impacted by times where there may be more people in the house.

If the customer is already energy efficient, congratulations is in order, and keep it up.

Household size
Has the customer got their Orange PowerCard?

This will ensure the customer receives their quarterly electricity rebates.

Has the customer got their Orange PowerCard?
Remind the customer about Ergon Energy’s outage notifications.

You can register for planned power outage notifications for free via SMS or email at https://www.ergon.com.au/network/outages.

Help with information displayed on the meter

Head outside to the meter and explain how to read the meter and what the information displayed means. Ask the customer if they’re aware of Friendly hours, debt, credit, and emergency credit use. If not, have a chat about them.

Guide to your reusable power cards (ergon.com.au) (PDF 1.0 mb)

Survey questions
With 0 being “unable to afford to pay” and 10 being “easily affordable”.
With 0 being “not in control at all” and 10 being “completely in control”.
Survey question 3 – Are you currently doing anything in your home to reduce energy costs? Champion note: Check the following options based on the resident’s response, do not read them aloud.
Survey question 4 – Prior to booking in for your Home Energy Health Check, had you heard or seen anything about the PowerSavvy Program?
Survey question 5 – Where have you seen or heard about PowerSavvy? Champion note: Check the following options based on the resident’s response, do not read them aloud.