
We’re here to help, whether you’re thinking of getting solar or you’re looking to get more out of your solar panels, here’s everything you need to know.

How does solar work?

Put simply, solar power comes from converting sunlight into energy.

Sunlight hits the solar panels which then causes the electrons to move around inside the panel.  The panels job is to capture the electrons and force them to move in the one direction around a circuit (known as a DC electricity).

We use 230/400-volt (AC) electricity in our homes and business and therefore, a box called an inverter, is needed to convert the DC electricity to AC electricity so it can power the appliances within your home or business.

Even on cloudy day, solar panels can produce solar power although, it's less effective than what is produced on a sunny day.

Day versus night

In most cases to get the best value from your system a small change in behaviour can have a big impact.

Solar power is best for households with at least one person at home when the sun is out, and businesses that operate during daylight hours. If you're not home or at work during daylight hours, you could try to operate appliances using a timer (where possible) this will allow for the generated solar to operate appliances, rather than drawing electricity from the grid.

Customers may utilise a battery system to store the electricity generated in the day, which can be accessed at night when the sun is not out.