Powerline traversing through farm property.


We're responsible for developing and delivering new electricity network infrastructure as it is needed.

Obtaining the appropriate tenure for our electricity assets is very important.  Depending on the scale and the type of infrastructure required, we may acquire land, accept an easement, or obtain a Consent to Works.

Easements for electricity works

What is an easement for electricity works?

An easement for electricity works is a right that allows us to carry out certain activities within land. The land over which the easement is granted is defined by survey.

An easement allows us to construct, operate, maintain, and replace our electricity works. Ownership of the land which is burdened by the easement remains with the landowner, however certain restrictions may apply over the land burdened by the easement.  We may also need to undertake other works within the easement such as clearing of vegetation or constructing access tracks if required.

As part of an approved Connection Application, landowners may construct certain electricity infrastructure and transfer this infrastructure to us once the works are completed.  We will be involved in the design, location and route of any transferable assets and will specify any tenure requirements to enable us to own, operate and maintain the electricity works in the long term.

Landowner Responsibilities

Landowners are responsible for:

  • Undertaking negotiations with the property owner/lessor/lessee and interested parties such as other easement holders, mortgagees, trustees of reserves, native title holders and Traditional Owners
  • Securing any necessary consents from the interested parties and any relevant government department
  • Giving us a copy of the easement survey plan for review prior to lodgement of the plan for registration
  • Ensuring that the easement will result in an easement for electricity works and is fit for purpose
  • Having the easement documentation prepared in a manner acceptable for registration in the Land Titles Office and referring to our standard easement terms and conditions as set out below
  • Having the easement survey plan and Queensland Land Registry Form 9: Easement executed by the property owner/lessor/lessee and us and any necessary consents obtained
  • Lodging the easement documentation with the Land Titles Office
  • Providing us with a copy of the Registration Confirmation Statement from the Land Titles Office evidencing registration of the easement.

Further information about these responsibilities is provided below.

Easement survey requirements

All survey work to define the easement land must be undertaken by an appropriately registered Surveyor with Cadastral endorsement under the Surveyors Act 2003 and be prepared in accordance with the Department of Resources Survey Requirements. Also, installation of electricity assets must be conducted according to the current practices of the Registering Authority.

Easement sizes will vary depending on things like the environment, line or cable voltage, number of circuits, circuit layout, connection assets needed, clearance requirements, electric and magnetic field considerations, and common vs separate earthing requirements etc.

Easement sizes also vary for singular ground mounted assets, as indicated in the table below. If multiple assets are needed, easement sizes will be determined on a site-specific basis.

Asset typeEasement sizes are indicative only
(subject to site specific requirements)
Padmount Transformers2.8m x 3m to 13m x 15m
HV Switches/Protection devices2.8m x 3m to 6.8m X 11m
Outdoor Commercial & Industrial SubstationSite specific- will be advised during application or consultation process
Indoor Commercial & Industrial SubstationSite specific- will be advised during application or consultation process
Cable Trench1m – 10m

Our Standard Easement Terms

We have standard easement terms for easements for electricity works, which must be incorporated into easement documentation.

These standard terms apply to easements for electricity works only and where access to the works is necessary, landowners should obtain their own advice for any additional easements that they require in order to access the land to construct assets which will later be transferred to us.

These standard terms are registered with the Land Titles office under the following dealing numbers:

  • Combined overhead and underground conditions for freehold land:
    • dealing number 710384570
  • Combined overhead and underground conditions for State land, Leases and Reserves:
    • dealing number 711950329
  • Volumetric conditions for three-dimensional lots:
    • dealing number 722154470

The Queensland Land Registry Form 9: Easement should be completed using the following details. Our Tenure and Conveyancing team need to review the Form 9 Easement.  Please ensure that the following information is included in the Form 9 Easement:

  • Item 4 should state “Not Applicable”
  • Item 5 is to state the relevant DNSP entity of:
    • Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ACN 087 646 062
  • Item 8 should refer to the appropriate dealing number for the standard terms which will apply as follows:
    • For freehold properties privately owned for overhead, underground, padmount transformers and Ring Main Units (RMU):
      • Item 7 (Purpose of Easement) is to be shown as “Electricity Works”; and
      • Item 8 should refer to Document No: 710384570
    • For easements over State-controlled land for both overhead and underground:
      • Item 7 (Purpose of Easement) is to be shown as “Electricity Works”; and
      • Item 8 should refer to Document No: 711950329
    • For easements over State-controlled land – underground only:
      • Item 7 (Purpose of Easement) is to be shown as "Electricity Works"; and
      • Item 8 should refer to Memorandum No: 711950324
    • For freehold volumetric lots:
      • Item 7 (Purpose of Easement) is to be shown as “Electricity Works”; and
      • Item 8 should refer to Document No: 722154470

Note: All transfer duty and all costs, outlays incurred by us for the preparation and lodgement of the easement documentation are the responsibility of the landowner.

Registering an easement

Registration of the easement is the responsibility of the landowner.

Your registered Surveyor or Legal Practitioner will be best placed to help you with lodging the easement for registration once it has been surveyed and approved by us.

A copy of the Registration Confirmation Statement the Titles Office issues to your Surveyor or Legal Practitioner must be provided to us. The Registration Confirmation Statement can be sent by email to etc@ergon.com.au

Important note: You must ensure that our Work Request (WR) number and/or the Connect reference number (CX) is listed in the subject line of the email to ensure that we are able to allocate any matters concerning the easement with the correct connection project.

A summary of relevant easement information and landowner accountabilities can be found in the Easements Fact Sheet (PDF 103.3 kb).