Dog at window
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Meter read alerts for dog owners

For safety reasons, our meter readers and field crews are not permitted to enter properties unless dogs are suitably restrained or separated from the work area.

To ensure safe entry to your property, they must be able to see your dog and confirm it is:

  • placed securely in a yard or area completely separate from the meter (e.g. locked behind a fence)
  • isolated by either a substantial rope or chain secured to an appropriate anchor point on the ground or to a fixed fitting. If you chain your dog, please remember you're responsible for ensuring they have appropriate water, shade, and food.
  • Please note, offering to hold your dog by the collar or in your arms is not adequate.

If you own a dog, you can register to receive SMS and/or email alerts 24 hours before your meter is due to be read (see below). That way, you can ensure your dog is suitably restrained when the meter reader arrives.

You could consider installing a smart meter , as it can be read remotely and we won't need to enter your property to physically read your meter. Talk to your electricity retailer about getting a smart meter installed.

Register your dog with us

It’s easy to register your dog with us:

  1. 1 Sign-up and login
  2. 2 Select My Profile

    Click on Welcome in the top right corner and select My Profile

  3. 3 Update dog details

    Scroll down to your NMI and click on Update dog details and click YES

  4. 4 Add number of dogs

    Then tell us how many dogs you have and if they will be restrained when we come to read your meter.

Now your dog is registered with us.

Register for meter-read alerts

Now register to receive SMS and/or email alerts if you’d like to know when the meter reader is coming:

  1. 1 Manage notifications


  2. 2 Set preferences

    Set your preferences and ensure you tick Meter read (if dog onsite).

Unread meters

If for some reason the meter reader cannot confirm that your dog is suitably restrained when they come to read your meter, and doesn’t feel safe going onto your property, they’ll leave a card in your letterbox to let you know.

If you get a card in your letterbox, you’ll get an estimated bill from your electricity retailer, or you can read your meter yourself and jump online to submit a self-meter read.

Submit a self-meter read

Once you’ve received a card in your letterbox, follow these simple steps:

  1. 1 Sign-up and login
  2. 2 Select self-meter reading


  3. 3 Submit reading

    Select your NMI and click NEXT and submit your meter reading.

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