Field staff worker testing a meter on the side of a residential house

Smart meters are a smart move

The number of smart meters in Queensland homes and businesses is growing by the day and as an industry we are working towards a goal of 100% coverage by 2030.

We live in a digital world where data is power. With a smart meter, you can say goodbye to estimated bills and hello to energy savings. A smart meter allows you to keep track of your electricity usage in near real time, identify potential savings, and tap into new tariffs that suit your household’s needs.

If you own a dog, you don’t need to worry about restraining it as we no longer need to come onto your property to physically read your meter, once a smart meter has been installed.

As more Queenslanders choose rooftop solar, battery energy storage and electric vehicles, smart meters will be the keys to unlocking the full potential of the Sunshine State’s transition to renewable energy.

They underpin the delivery of a more affordable, sustainable, secure, and safe electricity supply for our customers and communities.

Smart meter devices on a orange table with cordsGet Smart

Since Power of Choice reforms were introduced in 2017, all new and replacement meters for residential and small business customers must be digital.

The smart meter rollout is being accelerated across Australia so more customers can enjoy the benefits sooner. Find out more from the Australian Energy Market Commission.

Even if your basic meter is still working, you can request a smart meter from your electricity retailer listed on your power bill.

Once you ‘get smart’, there’s no going back to an analogue meter.

Protecting your health and safety

According to the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, there is no established scientific evidence that the low-level radiofrequency EME exposure from smart meters causes any health effects.

Smart meters, mobile phones and other wireless devices used for communication are regulated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, which requires them to comply with safe exposure limits.

Protecting your privacy and security

Smart meters and associated data communication equipment must comply with strict standards for accuracy and security.

Your data and personal information are protected under the National Electricity Law, Queensland Government cyber security standards and the Australian Government’s Privacy Act 1988. (Cth).

You can rest assured your new smart meter must comply with strict standards around safety, functionality, and accuracy, ensuring the meters offered by various manufacturers are all suitable for use in Queensland.