Two workers with a customer as part of community fund

Community fund

Have a community project in mind and require financial support? Our grants program is a helping hand to those in need, to get a great community project or initiative over the line.

Grant applications are currently closed. To be notified when they re-open, please register to receive updates.

Getting involved

Check out our latest Community Fund brochure (PDF 1.3 mb) to find out how the program works and how you can get involved.

We'd love to hear about projects that might support preparedness for weather events, or disaster recovery e.g. impacts to community infrastructure, mental health and wellbeing. Or help your community play a part in renewable energy transformation and Queensland’s target of Net Zero emissions by 2050.

All successful applicants will have their project profiled on our grant recipients web page, so that the whole community can view the details.

We are committed to supporting not-for-profit groups and organisations who are working hard to provide lasting benefits to our local communities. It’s all about supporting organisations that, like us, work to make their communities a better place to live.

Need more information?

Would you like to know more about the types of projects we look for and how you can stand out, or the assessment process and timeline? Take a look at our helpful hints below.

And don't forget to double check our Terms and Conditions.

Need a little inspiration?

We'd love to see new and exciting ideas with wide-scale impact. We want ideas that will genuinely provide a positive and long-lasting benefit, and put our communities on the front foot for the future. But all ideas can be big, even those that seem simple or small. As long as your idea provides lasting benefits to your community we want to hear about it.

Your idea could be something that:

  • contributes to disaster recovery or resilience
  • encourages community health and wellbeing, or cultural reconnection
  • is innovative
  • showcases solutions to problems we face as a society through support for:
    • education and energy literacy
    • renewable energy projects
    • energy and environmental conservation
    • electrical safety
    • providing essential equipment
    • upgrading facilities

We receive a large number of applications from organisations and groups all doing wonderful things in the community, so think outside the box about how you can give your application a competitive edge.

Need some inspiration? Take a look at last year's successful recipients on our grant recipients web page.

What types of projects are eligible?

Firstly, your project must be able to be completed within 12 months of receiving a grant from us. Eligible projects include those that:

  • Contribute to recovery efforts following severe weather events - we know many communities have been hit hard and are still finding their feet
  • Facilitate innovative solutions to local issues, stimulate local economic activity or support a community’s mental, emotional and physical and wellbeing
  • Provide some kind of lasting community benefit such as educating kids about sustainable gardening, providing emergency equipment or facility upgrades
  • Invest in solar energy or a new technology that will change the way your organisation uses energy
  • Strive to improve diversity and inclusion in schools, workplaces and the general community by providing support through safe spaces or educational programs
  • Educate and empower people to make informed energy choices and help manage cost of living pressures
  • Upgrade equipment to more energy efficient models
  • Use, inform or promote renewable energy alternatives
  • Keep the community safe around electricity.
All projects will be considered. If your idea provides some other kind of lasting community benefit than those listed above, you can still apply.

What types of projects are NOT eligible?

  • Projects outside Queensland that benefit individuals only or where the sole benefit is a commercial outcome for an individual or organisation
  • Fundraising activities
  • Major infrastructure construction or commercial research and development projects
  • Projects which are the core business of local council, State or Federal Government or government owned corporations
  • Projects that will require ongoing financial support after completion
  • Projects that have already been completed.

How are applications judged?

We know it’s tempting to race into filling out your application, but before you do, please run through the following criteria to ensure your application ticks all the right boxes.

The essential criteria that your application must meet:

  1. Provide a clear description of how it will benefit the community
  2. Tell us why it makes sense for us to partner in your project
  3. Demonstrate that you have sufficient expertise and resources to successfully implement the project
  4. Engage the local community
  5. Detail tangible, measurable outcomes (e.g. number of attendees, reduction in electricity usage)
  6. Project scope and budget showing value for money

Non-essential but nice:

  1. Be innovative in nature or improve community well-being. Have an ongoing benefit beyond the initial project
  2. Have potential to raise community awareness
  3. Provide opportunities to promote our involvement
  4. Obtain professional quotes.

When are successful recipients announced?

Firstly, applications will be assessed for eligibility. A panel of experts in the fields of innovation, education, environment, safety and community engagement will then review shortlisted applicants.

All applicants are usually notified via email by end of January 2024 to advise the outcome of their application.

If successful, the email from us will contain details of the grant amount. This is a one-off payment and it might not be the full amount you applied for. You'll need to sign a Funding Agreement and submit your tax invoice and insurance certificate within two weeks for the grant to be paid.

When will I receive the funds?

All recipients can expect to receive funds by end of February 2024.


You can register to receive updates about the Community Fund, this is the best way to make sure you don't miss a thing!

Still have a question? Please contact us at and someone from our team will be in touch.