3 branded EVs lined up in a car park

Working green

We continue to work towards more sustainable operations and the promotion of energy conservation through environmental, social and financial improvements. Through targeted initiatives and trials, we're constantly implementing strategies designed to reduce our environmental footprint.

Our outlook includes:

  • a focus on building efficiency
  • Streetlight efficiency
  • seeking environmental efficiencies to our fleet and property portfolio
  • continued implementation of our waste reduction and recycling plan and management of our carbon emissions.

We're switched onto recycling

We recognise the need to manage waste in a sustainable manner and are continually looking for ways to work more sustainably by saving precious resources and money. We aim to minimise waste through Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and treat any waste produced as a potential resource rather than rubbish.

Smart buildings

Our buildings feature numerous energy and water saving initiatives and recycled building materials that aren't only good for the environment but also save money. We have award-winning and green rated buildings that are designed to reduce our environmental footprint. We even use recycled power poles as timber features in some buildings.

Our award winning office in Brisbane was designed to a Six Star Green Star rating. The property's environmental performance has earned it a prestigious 5.5 star NABERS Base Building Energy rating. Along with Five Star rated buildings in Toowoomba, Rockhampton and Mackay leading to savings on electricity, air-conditioning and water as well as reduced carbon emissions.

Our Distribution Centre is the first industrial site in Australia to achieve a 4-star green star rating - Industrial Design V1 from the Green Building Council of Australia. Green features include efficient lighting and air-conditioning, double-glazing and alternate roofing materials.

Most of our field sites are fitted with water tanks and water-saving devices as well as electricity saving initiatives. Combined sites and office have contributed to corporate portfolio energy efficiency improvements.

These smart buildings are not only green but also significantly more cost effective to operate.

Greener on the road

Our crews and staff can travel thousands of kilometres each year servicing every corner of Queensland's electricity supply. Our green fleet initiatives, including electric light vehicles and a well maintained modern truck fleet are doing more than reducing our carbon footprint, they're also providing real cost savings to the business.

Pollution prevention and contamination management

When we're conducting work to improve the electricity supply, we're diligent in ensuring that work is conducted so that potentially polluting substances are contained, and contaminants are prevented from entering water courses, soil and air. All our depot sites have detailed Site Environmental Management Plans which are reviewed and audited on a regular basis. When buying or selling property we conduct specific environmental assessments in an effort to minimise impacts on the environment.

Empowering our people

We all have a responsibility to care for our environment and we encourage staff to contribute to improvements in our environmental performance.

  • Our employees have regular environmental training varying with the requirements of their roles
  • Individuals and groups are celebrated for outstanding environmental initiatives through internal recognition and communications programs
  • At some sites, our environmental champions meet regularly to share ideas, create awareness and influence change around workplace environmental issues.

Contact us

If you would like to talk to someone in our Environment team, please call our general enquires number 13 74 66.