Authorised person request form

To request approval for an Authorised Person (Electrical) or Authorised Person (Non-Electrical), please complete the form below.

All applicants must have the required competencies outlined in the form below to work near our electricity network.

Once submitted, you'll receive a confirmation email that your form has been received by us and we'll process your request in around 7 business days. This may take longer if the correct training evidence certificate is not attached below for each applicant.

Please view our privacy statement regarding the collection of data.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Contact Details
Please enter your best business hours contact number as 10 digits with no spaces
Is this request for an Electrical or Non-Electrical Authorised Person?
Authorised Person (Electrical) Approval Request

I wish to formally apply for the following employees to become Authorised Persons (Electrical). They are all holders of a current Queensland Electrical Mechanic Licence as required under the Electricity Safety Regulation 2013.

Please select the total number of employees you are requesting approval for
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Employee skills and competencies

For your request to be successful, you must be able to demonstrate that all of the above employees have completed relevant training and have an appropriate level of technical knowledge and experience to operate equipment and vehicles.

You must tick all of the following to proceed, otherwise please email us on

1. Complying with the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2020 for Working Near Overhead and Underground Electrical Lines and Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2013 for Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace (safe system of work) *
2. Identifying low voltage and high voltage electric lines (including ways of ascertaining the voltage present) *
3. Distinguishing between insulated and uninsulated electric lines *
4. Understanding the possible causes and risks of electric lines being damaged *
5. Demonstrating the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a safe system of work *
6. Demonstrating familiarity with the unsafe distances and exclusion zone requirements *
7. Applying emergency procedures in the event of an incident *
Company systems

For your request to be successful, you must confirm that the company has certain systems in place.

You must tick all of the following to proceed, otherwise please email us on

Systems are in place to monitor the ongoing competency and identification of persons authorised to work near electric lines, while complying with the requirements of the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2020 for Working Near Overhead and Underground Electrical Lines and Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2013 for Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace *
Systems are in place to remove and replace LV service fuse/s both at the pillar and pole top for the isolation of a customer’s installation *
Authorised Person (Non-Electrical) Approval Request

I wish to formally apply for the following employees to become Authorised Persons (Non-Electrical) as required under the Electricity Safety Regulation 2013.

Please select the total number of employees you are requesting approval for
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Please include first name and last name
Employee skills and competencies

For your request to be successful, you must be able to demonstrate that all of the above employees have completed relevant training and have an appropriate level of technical knowledge and experience to operate equipment and vehicles.

You must tick all of the following to proceed, otherwise please email us on

1. Complying with the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2020 for Working Near Overhead and Underground Electrical Lines (safe system of work) *
2. Identifying low voltage and high voltage electric lines (including ways of ascertaining the voltage present) *
3. Distinguishing between insulated and uninsulated electric lines *
4. Understanding the possible causes and risks of electric lines being damaged *
5. Demonstrating the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a safe system of work *
6. Demonstrating familiarity with the unsafe distances and exclusion zone requirements *
7. Applying emergency procedures in the event of an incident *
Company systems

For your request to be successful, you must confirm that the company has certain systems in place.

You must tick all of the following to proceed, otherwise please email us on

Systems are in place to monitor the ongoing competency and identification of persons authorised to work near electric lines, while complying with the requirements of the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2020 for Working Near Overhead and Underground Electrical Lines *
Terms and Conditions
Please acknowledge that: *
Please acknowledge that: *
Please declare that: *
A copy of each person’s Training Completion Certificate/s must be attached as evidence that they have the required knowledge to become an ‘Authorised Person’.

Training Completion Certificate options:
1) T0911 - Introduction to Electrical Network Infrastructure for Authorised Persons, or
2) T0838 - Working Safely On or Near Electrical Network Infrastructure in QLD (Contractors), or
3) UETDREL006 - Work Safely in the Vicinity of Live Electrical Apparatus as a Non-electrical Worker and T0790 - Introduction to QLD Legislation and Codes of Practice, or
4) Legacy course 4490 - Working Safely Near Live Electrical Lines and Apparatus (Ergon), or
5) Legacy course M320 - Electrical Awareness for Safe Work (OHAW) (Energex).